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Numbers 35:1-34

Q.1. How did God plan for the Levites to stay connected to Israel? What roles were the Levites to pursue? – (Num.35:1-8)

When the tribes of Israel eventually settled in the Promised Land, God instructed them to provide cities and pasture lands in their territories, for the Levites (Num.1:47-50; 3:11-13). This would make it harder for Israel to forget their religious obligations. The mission of the Levites in their midst, was to ensure that that would not happen. The Levites were on a roster system to perform the duties of the Tabernacle. The Levitical families were provided for from the offerings of the twelve tribes, plus the income from their pasture lands and trade in the cities.

Q.2. Why did God provide six Cities of Refuge in Israel’s territory? What were the consequences for killing a person? – (Num.35:9-34)

Three Cities of Refuge in the Promised Land, and three beyond the Jordan River – a total of six, were under the jurisdiction of the Levites (Num.35:13-15). God did not want revenge killings – The cities shall be to you as a refuge from the avenger, so that the manslayer will not die until he stands before the congregation for trial (Num.35:12). The Cities of Refuge did not allow killers in Israel to go free – for blood pollutes the land (Num.35:33-34). However, they were a safe place until justice had been served. If they were found guilty, they would be put to death. If they were exonerated, there were still consequences because a precious life had been lost, albeit by manslaughter. The person responsible would be free to live within the City of Refuge, until the death of the High Priest … then he could return home. No one was allowed to purchase a pardon for his crime. In this way, God upheld the dignity of human life. He protected both the families of the bereaved, and also those who had caused the death of another by accident.

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, Law, Day 2, BRP Plus, Numbers, Year 4, Week 23, Chapter 35