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Proverbs 18:19-24

Q.1. Why is it wise to resolve conflicts speedily? – (Prov.18:19 & 21)

The Bible advocates keeping short accounts with God and others. As did Solomon here, Jesus warned about the danger of problems escalating out of control (Prov.18:19 & 21 c.f. Mt.5:23-26; Lk.12:57-59). Negative attitudes will quickly turn to strong words, and ultimately to action. It is better to reconcile with your brother, before he builds impenetrable walls (Prov.18:21).

Q.2. What qualities should we cultivate in relationships, in order to obtain the blessing of the Lord? – (Prov.18:22 & 24)

A sacred vow to faithfulness is required, in order to gain a wife in an honourable way. To be in such a relationship of trust and support, brings continual favour from the Lord (Prov.18:22). Real friends are as valuable as a blood-brother – there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Prov.18:24). They speak the truth into your life and lift you up when you are down. However, it is not so much about finding the right partner or friend. We must be the right partner and friend.

Q.3. What warning and direction are suggested by Proverbs 18:21 & 23? 

The world tends to abuse power and take advantage of the defenceless. The power of those in authority can be far reaching Prov.18:21 and 23). However, it is sobering to realize that all of us will be judged by the One Who has the ultimate authority – God almighty. 

Posted in Old Testament, Bible Books, BRP Plus, Proverbs, Year 3, Poetry, Day 4, Chapter 18, Week 46