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Psalm 37:1-22

Q.1. Why should we refrain from being jealous of evildoers? How should we approach life? What promise was given to those who delight and trust in the Lord? – (Ps.37:1-6)

We can easily get distracted and fret about the prosperity of evil-doers. David declared – Do not fret because of evildoers. Be not envious toward wrongdoers (Ps.37:1). They, like us, will quickly fade as grass and be no more. How different is the outcome of the godly. We have hope beyond the grave, and confidence in life and in the presence of God. David urged us to – 3 Trust in the Lord and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. 4 Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. 5 Commit your way to the Lord. Trust also in Him, and He will do it (Ps.37:3-5). The promise to those who trust in the Lord, is that God will give us the desires of our hearts. Walking with God changes our desires and perspective, so that we embrace His view of blessedness. Our right standing with God, along with right living, will light our way in a dark world (Ps.37:6).

Q.2. How did David view evildoers? Do they escape God’s attention? What will happen to them? Who is it that will eventually prosper? – (Ps.37:7-15)

David described the wicked in many ways – they are also called wrongdoers and evildoers. This is very unpopular language in a ‘politically correct’ day. Worldly people can at times have much to commend them. They can be kind and generous, and even put Christians to shame. They can be popular and admired by many, even while indulging in ungodly behaviour. However, God sees them differently. He sees that they are morally afloat and making their own rules as they go. Though – 12 The wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes at him with his teeth. 13 The Lord laughs at him, for He sees his day is coming (Ps.37:12-13). We should refuse to fret or envy the wicked who prosper in their way, because their day of reckoning is coming (Ps.37:7-9). Israel was promised blessing and prosperity in their land (Ps.37:9-11). However, the prosperity and plots of the wicked will be suddenly reversed (Ps.37:14-15).

Q.3. Do the righteous always prosper in this life? How do they treat others? What will happen to them? How were the wicked described? What is their end? – (Ps.37:16-22)

David, like Paul, urged God’s people to be content with what God provides in this life (Ps.37:16 c.f. Phil.4:11-13, 19). God will protect, provide, and prosper those who keep their trust in Him (Ps.37:17-19). The wicked take advantage of the needy, but will be cut off and vanish away, whereas – 21 … But the righteous is gracious and gives. 22 For those blessed by Him will inherit the land (Ps.37:21-22 c.f. Ps.37:17, 20, 22).

Posted in Year 1, Old Testament, Bible Books, BRP Plus, Psalm, Poetry, Day 4, Chapter 37, Week 47

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