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Psalm 18:32-50

Q.1. What part did David attribute to God in his life and successes? How did he account for his victories in battle? – (Ps.18:32-42)

David would eventually reign over a united kingdom and extend his conquest to the vast territory promised by God to Abraham (c.f. Gen.15:18; 2 Sam.chpts.8 & 10; 1 Chron.chpts.18-19). He was an amazing leader and general. Most people let such success go to their heads. Not so David. He always knew from where his strength and success came – 34 He trains my hands for battle, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze. 35 You have also given me the shield of Your salvation, and Your right hand upholds me; And Your gentleness makes me great. 36 You enlarge my steps under me, and my feet have not slipped. 37 I pursued my enemies and overtook them, and I did not turn back until they were consumed. 38 I shattered them, so that they were not able to rise; They fell under my feet. 39 For You have girded me with strength for battle; You have subdued under me those who rose up against me (Ps.18:34-39). He contrasted his deliverances from God with the rejected cries of his enemies, who had been defeated. (Ps.18:40-42).

Q.2. What impact did David’s leadership have on foreign nations? How important was God to David? Was he truly grateful for all his blessings? – (Ps.18:43-50)

David acknowledged that it was God Who led and protected him in everything (Ps.18:32-36). In battles against his enemies, David had absolute confidence (Ps.18:37-42). David’s reputation went before him, and he recognized God’s special protection of his life. Even – foreigners submit to me (Ps.18:44). He closed his song with praise to God, for Who God is, and what He had done – The Lord lives, and blessed be my rock; And exalted be the God of my salvation (Ps.18:46). He punishes the wicked and protects the righteous – surely You lift me above the nations (18:48).  David used every opportunity to testify to His God unashamedly – Therefore, I will give thanks to Your name among the nations (Ps.18:49)

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