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2 Samuel 9:1-13

Q.1. Why did David enquire after the house of Saul? What did he discover? Where was Lo-debar? What did David propose to do? – (2 Sam.9:1-8)

After David had successfully established his reign, he decided to find any of Saul’s descendants to whom he could – show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake (2 Sam.9:1). David and Jonathan had not only been close friends but had made a covenant to preserve each other’s family line (c.f. 1 Sam.18:3; 20:12-17). David stayed true to his promise. They found out from Ziba, a servant from the house of Saul that there was a survivor – a son of Jonathan who is crippled in both feet (2 Sam.9:3). At the time when Saul’s son, King Ish-bosheth was defeated, Mephibosheth was severely injured when his nurse hurried to flee with him (c.f. 2 Sam.4:4). Mephibosheth had found safety in the house of Machir in Lo-debar which was at the edge of the wilderness east of the Jordan (2 Sam.9:4). He was in a wretched place in a wretched condition with no hope of social welfare support. He was taken to David. Mephibosheth must have wondered if this would be the end of his miserable life as he prostrated himself before David (2 Sam.9:5-6). He must have been amazed to hear David tell him – … Do not fear, for I will surely show kindness to you for the sake of your father Jonathan and will restore to you all the land of your grandfather Saul; and you shall eat at my table regularly (2 Sam.9:7). This is consistent with the blessings that King Jesus extends to sinners.

Q.2. How did David honour his covenant with Jonathan? How did he care for Mephibosheth? How did David honour him? – (2 Sam.9:9-13)

David did not despise the very poor condition of Mephibosheth, but rather restored to him all that had belonged to the house of Saul. David placed this under the management of Ziba who was to cultivate the land for Mephibosheth’s benefit. David confirmed – Mephibosheth your master’s grandson shall eat at my table regularly (2 Sam.9:10). Ziba promised to obey the king and – Mephibosheth ate at David’s table as one of the king’s sons …and he – lived in Jerusalem, for he ate at the king’s table regularly … (2 Sam.9:11 & 13).