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2 Samuel 5:1-25

Q.1. Why did the tribes anoint David as king over Israel? Where did he reign? How did David capture the stronghold of Zion? – (2 Sam.5:1-10)

David had shown his grief and disapproval of the murders of Abner and Ish-bosheth, king of Israel. He had acted with wisdom – So all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and King David made a covenant with them before the Lord at Hebron; then they anointed David king over Israel (2 Sam.5:3). Israel gave three other explanations for their actions: (i) They recognized their family connection with him through Jacob (2 Sam.5:1). (ii) Even though Saul had been king, they acknowledged that David had previously led them into battle (2 Sam.5:2). (iii) They also accepted that – the Lord said to you, ‘You will shepherd My people Israel, and you will be a ruler over Israel’ (2 Sam.5:2). David reigned for forty years: seven and a half years at Hebron and thirty-three years at Jerusalem (2 Sam.5:4-5). The writer then told us about the campaign that made Jerusalem David’s capital. The Jebusites who dwelt there had become complacent and boasted that even the blind and the lame could repulse an attack from David. The comments spurred David on. His soldiers entered the city through the water tunnel that passed under the stronghold, and – David captured the stronghold of Zion, that is the city of David (2 Sam.5:7 c.f. 2 Sam.5:8-9). It is recorded that – David became greater and greater, for the Lord God of hosts was with him (2 Sam.5:10).

Q.2. How did David build his home? Was family important to David? Did he acknowledge God in his reign? – (2 Sam.5:11-16)

Hiram, king of Tyre was a good friend of David’s. He – sent messengers to David with cedar trees and carpenters and stonemasons; and they built a house for David (2 Sam.5:11 c.f. 1 Kgs.5:1). NOTE: He would do the same for Solomon. He also provided building materials to construct his house and the temple (c.f. 1 Kgs.5:8-9, 38; 7:1; 9:10-11). David recognized that God had established his kingdom for the sake of Israel. However, David followed the practice of leaders’ having multiple wives and children to underpin their reigns (2 Sam.5:13-16 c.f. Jdgs.12:8-10,13-15). He took both wives and concubines. This would bring division to his family.

Q.3. What was the Philistine response to David’s coronation? How did David fight his battles? What did he do with their idols? – (2 Sam.5:17-21)

The Philistines were well aware of David’s prowess in battle. Upon hearing of his ascension to the throne of Israel, they amassed a mighty army to destroy him (2 Sam.5:17-18 c.f. 1 Sam.17:50-52; 18:5-7, 30; 29:3-5). David was under no illusion as to why he had been successful. Before fighting the Philistines, he firstly inquired of the Lord. God told him – Go up, for I will certainly give the Philistines into your hand (2 Sam.5:19). Israel, through David, depended on the Lord. The Philistines had taken their idols and abandoned them – so David and his men carried them away (2 Sam.5:21).

Q.4. Did the enemy stop harassing David? How did David approach this war? What strategy did God give David? – (2 Sam.5:22-25)

The enemy will not easily give up. Soon the Philistines armies gathered against Israel in the valley of Rephaim between Judah and Benjamin. David once more turned to ‘the Captain of the hosts of the Lord’ by seeking for His blessing and direction (2 Sam.5:22-23 c.f. Josh.5:14). We need God’s leading because there is no magic formula for fighting our spiritual battles. The strategy this time was different, and David was instructed to ambush the Philistines and – when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, then you shall act promptly, for then the Lord will have gone out before you to strike the army of the Philistines (2 Sam.5:24). David obeyed the Lord and prevailed against the Philistines.

Posted in Old Testament, Bible Books, Year 2, History, BRP Plus, Day 3, 2 Samuel, Chapter 5, Week 38