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Leviticus 11:1-40

Q.1. How did God protect the Israelites by regulating their eating habits? Why is it wise to observe certain dietary restrictions? – (Lev.11:1-23)

When speaking to Moses, God categorized the animal kingdom into two groups. These were clean animals that Israel could eat (Lev.11:2-3, 9, 21-22), and unclean animals which they were not to eat (Lev.11:4-8, 10-20, 23, 29-31, 41-43). People, and also vessels, would be rendered unclean, if they touched anything unclean (Lev.11:24-28, 31-40). It was not clearly explained why certain animals, birds, and fish were unclean, and therefore not to be eaten. Nonetheless, there is little doubt that there was more risk of disease resulting from the habits of these animals. The whole passage underscores the importance of keeping a measured diet rather than eating without limits.

Q.2. Why did God lay down strict patterns of hygiene? What was behind God’s restrictions for His people?  – (Lev.11:24-40)

God protected His own people by insisting that they kept strict rules of hygiene. Washing carefully after touching dead animals, or handling live unclean animals was wise. This principle is still endorsed by the best medical practices of the day (Lev.11:24-28). These laws had the imprint of God on them long before Louis Pasteur discovered the spread of infection and the need for pasteurization (Lev.11:32-40).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, Law, BRP Plus, Day 2, Leviticus, Year 3, Week 10, Chapter 11