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2 Timothy 3:1-9

Q.1. What will the ‘last days’ be like? How are we meant to understand the term – ‘the last days’? – (2 Tim.3:1)

Paul warned Timothy to expect difficult times in the Last Days. Any talk of the world getting better and better, is not what the Bible says (1 Thes.5:3; 1 Tim.4:1). The “Last Days” refers to the general era between the first and second Coming of Christ. Jesus and the apostles all indicated that these Endtime events were imminent. They could happen at any time (Lk.21:34-36; 2 Pet.3:1-3). Just like the days of Noah before the Flood, godlessness would increase.

Q.2. What attitudes will characterize the last days? – (2 Tim.3:2-4)

The Last Days will be evident by rampant selfishness, materialism, and hedonism. Family life will break down and there will be a careless disregard for anything good. That is not to say that there will be no religion – except it will be the worship of man, and his achievements and cleverness (2 Tim.3:2-4).

Q.3. How will history repeat itself? What should our attitude be toward backsliders and imposters? – (2 Tim.3:5-9)

Paul indicated that just as Egypt’s magicians, Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so it will be in the Last Days. Just as God has destroyed previous empires, so will He do again in these times. There will be unspeakable depravity that will even impact families (2 Tim.3:9). There will be an explosion of learning. However, because God is missing in their lives, people will be – always learning and never able to come to the truth (2 Tim.3:7). Paul’s advice to Timothy was to – avoid such men as these, regardless of their religious claims. (2 Tim.3:7}

Posted in Bible Books, BRP Plus, New Testament, Letters, Chapter 3, Year 4, day 6, Week 7, 2 Timothy