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1 Peter 3:1-8

Q.1. How did Peter connect his advice to wives with the example of Jesus? How is the disobedience of a husband best turned around? – (1 Pet.3:1-2 c.f.    1 Pet.2:21)

Peter’s instruction to the married women was built on his insights on the sufferings of Christ for sinners. The best way to release the Holy Spirit to bring conviction to a husband, is by observing the principle that actions speak louder than words. A wife should learn submission to her husband. This includes – ‘respect for his God-given position and so to honour, be devoted to, enjoy, adore, praise, and admire’ (1 Pet.3:1 AMP). Such deep love will turn the focus from the human plane to the spiritual plane. A man may resist his wife for a time, but he would be a fool to resist the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Q.2. What importance should a woman place on outward adornment? How can a woman make the greatest impact on her husband? – (1 Pet.3:3-6)

We live in a culture that places most of the emphasis on outward appearance. Increasing numbers seek surgery to change their outward features. However, the fact is that most of us will age, and will lose the battle with frailty and death. Here Peter’s perspective is especially helpful. Some have mistakenly interpreted this instruction (c.f. 1 Tim.2:9-10) to mean that we should avoid any make-up and jewellery. However, this would place the emphasis on outward conformity, rather than on the matters of the heart, which God values in a woman – but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God (1 Pet.3:4). Peter supported his teaching with the example of women in former times, such as Sarah – For in this way in former times the holy women also, who hoped in God, used to adorn themselves … (1 Pet.3:5).

Q.3. Whom is the husband to emulate? How should the man treat his wife? What warning did Peter give to a man who fails to give honour to his wife? – (1 Pet.3:7)

The married man should make Christ, with His example of selfless suffering, the model Whom he seeks to emulate. Just as the Head of the church cherishes His body, so a husband should cherish his wife. This is harder than it sounds because fallen people are intrinsically selfish and prideful. It takes the power of God to keep the focus on our partner’s strengths, rather than to get annoyed by weaknesses – which we all have in abundance. We are to keep firmly in mind, that though males may usually be physically stronger, the wife should be honoured – ‘as a joint heir of God’s unmerited favour and grace of life’ (1 Pet.3:7). Just as God refused to listen to Israel when many took advantage of the defenceless, so He will close His ears to men who fail to regard their wives – You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way … so that your prayers will not be hindered (1 Pet.3:7 c.f. 1 Tim.2:8). Power in prayer requires loving marriages.

Q.4. What kind of atmosphere should husbands and wives cultivate in the home? Where should each person’s focus be? – (1 Pet.3:8)

Both the husband and the wife equally contribute to the atmosphere of the home. To achieve this, we should always firstly remember the example of Jesus. Secondly our focus should be on our spouse, not ourselves. Thirdly it should be on our family members before ourselves – ‘Finally, all of you should be of one and the same mind, united in spirit, sympathizing with one another, loving each other like brothers of the same household, compassionate and courteous, tender-hearted, and humble’ (1 Pet.3:8 AMP). All this presupposes that we need to make time for keeping the fires of our devotion for Christ stoked, and for ensuring that there is adequate time for two-way communication. The more we grow to become like Jesus, the greater will be the harmony in the home, and the enjoyment of the family.

Posted in Bible Books, BRP Plus, New Testament, Letters, Chapter 3, Year 5, Week 5, Day 6, 1 Peter