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Psalm 99:1-9

Q.1. What is it about Israel’s God, that sets Him out as being so great? On what basis are kings established? – (Ps.99:1-5)

The Lord reigns in Heaven above and on earth below, and especially over His people – The Lord reigns; Let peoples everywhere tremble. He is enthroned above the cherubim; Let the earth shake! The Lord is great in Zion, and He is exalted above the peoples. Let them praise Your great and awesome name; Holy is He (Ps.99:1-3).  People on earth may have governance over a country, state, or city. However, God reigns over all, and He achieves His plans and purposes according to His over-arching will. The thought that the Psalmist presented, was that – You have established in equity the strength of the King who loves justice (Ps.99:4). Twice the Psalmist reminded the people that God is holy and unique. There is none like Him. He is in a league of His own (Ps.99:3 & 5).

Q.2. What made Israel’s relationship with God special? How has God responded to His people throughout their history? – (Ps.99:6-9)

Having established the greatness of Israel’s God over all, the Psalmist then revealed that God is not preeminent in such a way, the He will not relate to His people. He cited Moses, Aaron, and Samuel as – among those who called upon His name … Not only so, but – They called upon the Lord and He answered them (Ps.99:6). Moreover – He spoke to them in the pillar of cloud; They kept His testimonies and the statute that He gave them (Ps.99:7). As a holy God, He avenged their evil deeds. Nevertheless – … You were a forgiving God to them (Ps.99:8). With such a special relationship, God is to be exalted and worshiped – Exalt the Lord our God and worship at His holy hill; For holy is the Lord our God (Ps.99:9).