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Ezekiel 7:1-27

Q.1. Why would God refuse to spare His people? For what underlying reason does God have to punish sin? – (Ezk.7:1-19)

Several times God warned – My eye will have no pity on you, nor will I spare you … I will also turn My face away from them (Ezk.7:4, 9, 22). The reason? I will bring all your abominations upon you (Ezk.7:3, 4, 9). However, there is a more compassionate reason for God’s judgment … God wants His people to recognize that it is He Who is doing the correcting, while at the same time keeping His promises. God declared – then you will know that I am the Lord … that I the Lord, do the smiting (Ezk.7:4 & 9).

Q.2. What would happen to the counsel of the prophets, priest, and elders? How might this serve as a warning to us? – (Ezk.7:20-27)

God accused them – they transformed the beauty of His ornaments into pride … they will profane My secret place (Ezk.7:20 & 22). Since they had so maligned God and His ways, God would let the sanctuary be totally desecrated by the worst of nations. 25 When anguish comes, they will seek peace, but there will be none. 26 Disaster will come upon disaster and rumour will be added to rumour; then they will seek a vision from a prophet, but the law will be lost from the priest and counsel from the elders (Ezk.7:25-26). When at last the leaders realized their plight and turned to God, there would be no answer. This is a solemn warning to us to not harden our hearts against the Lord and blaspheme against His Holy Spirit (c.f. Mk.3:28-30).

Posted in Old Testament, Bible Books, BRP Plus, Year 3, Major Prophets, Day 5, Ezekiel, Chapter 7, Week 35