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Ezekiel 13:1-23

Q.1. What were the phony claims of the false prophets? How would they be rewarded? – (Ezk.13:1-16)

The false prophets claimed to see visions from the Lord, but they were deceiving themselves and the people – 6 They see falsehood and lying divination, and are saying, The Lord declares,’ when the Lord has not sent them; yet they hope for the fulfilment of their word. 7 Did you not see a false vision and speak a lying divination when you said,The Lord declares,’ but it is not I who have spoken?’ (Ezk.13:6-7). Their messages were consistently deceiving – It is definitely because they have misled My people by saying, Peace!’ when there is no peace … the prophets of Israel (who) prophesy to Jerusalem, and (who) see visions of peace for her when there is no peace,’ declares the Lord God (Ezk.13:10 & 16). God would bring them down – “So My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions and utter lying divinations. They will have no place in the council of My people, nor will they be written down in the register of the house of Israel, nor will they enter the land of Israel, that you may know that I am the Lord God (Ezk.13:9). As happens today, when world leaders claim that their policies will save mankind, history will keep repeating itself – 2 For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. 3 While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labour pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape (1 Thes.5:2-3).

Q.2. How did the women contribute toward the false prophecies? What would their demise reveal about God? – (Ezk.13:17-23)

As were the false prophets, the false prophetesses were – 17 … prophesying from their own inspiration. Prophesy against them 18 and say,Thus says the Lord God, “Woe to the women who sew magic bands on all wrists and make veils for the heads of persons of every stature to hunt down lives! Will you hunt down the lives of My people, but preserve the lives of others for yourselves? For handfuls of barley and fragments of bread, you have profaned Me to My people to put to death some who should not die and to keep others alive who should not live, by your lying to My people who listen to lies (Ezk.13:17-19). Their encouragement of the false prophets added to a terrible injustice – … you disheartened the righteous with falsehood when I did not cause him grief but have encouraged the wicked not to turn from his wicked way and preserve his life (Ezk.13:22). This is the ultimate betrayal and damage done by the giving of false hope, by giving false prophecies. This demise of the false prophets and prophetesses would drive home the truth – that you will know that I am the Lord (Ezk.13:9, 14, 21, 23).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Year 3, Major Prophets, Day 5, Ezekiel, Chapter 13, Week 41