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2 Corinthians 8:1-15

Q.1. What made the giving of the churches in Macedonia exemplary? What motivated them to give sacrificially? Was Paul urging the Corinthians to support him? – (2 Cor.8:1-6 c.f. Acts 18:1-4)

The Macedonians proved that their faith was genuine by their generous support of God’s work, despite – a great ordeal of affliction … and their deep poverty (2 Cor.8:2). In fact, the Macedonians – gave beyond their ability … they gave of their own accord (2 Cor.8:3). Their giving was exemplary because – they first gave themselves to the Lord and to us by the will of God (2 Cor.8:5). While at Corinth, Paul, along with his friends Aquila and Priscilla, had supported himself with tent making. (Acts 18:1-4). Therefore, the Corinthians knew that Paul was not looking for funds but was thrilled that the Macedonian church had responded to his example and his challenge to put Christ first (c.f. Phil.4:10-15). Since the Corinthians had promised a gift to support his evangelism, Paul urged Titus to encourage them to make good on their promise, as an act of solidarity (2 Cor.8:6-7).

Q.2. Why was Paul hoping for the Corinthians to give? What do we learn from the incarnation? How much should a believer give? Where should this giving be distributed? – (2 Cor.8:7-15)

No one knew better than Paul, how to trust the Lord to support his mission. He reminded the Corinthians of the example of Jesus, Who – though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich (2 Cor.8:9). Paul usually referred to the incarnation of Christ as a proof of God’s love for sinners, and the basis upon which we are reconciled to God. Here he drew attention to Christ’s example of humility and sacrificial love. There are many commands for Israelites to tithe, or to give one tenth. God instructed the prophet Malachi to make this final appeal to Israel – Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows (Mal.3:10 c.f. Lk.6:38). The New Testament does not specify an amount to give to God’s work. However, the generosity of our Lord and Saviour, suggests we should give generously, as Christ has done (2 Cor.8:9). Paul cited the gracious provision of manna that sustained Israel for forty years in their wilderness journeys. He quoted from Exodus that – He who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little had no lack (2 Cor.8:15 c.f. Exo.16:18). He wrote to encourage them to share, explaining about their collection that – it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have (2 Cor.8:12).

Posted in Bible Books, BRP Plus, Year 2, New Testament, Letters, 2 Corinthians, Day 6, Chapter 8, Week 28