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Ephesians 2:11:22

Q.1. What had been the state of the Gentile Ephesians? On what basis did that all change? What had God envisaged? – (Eph.2:11-16)

Prior to God’s intervention in their lives through Christ, the Ephesians were utterly lost, separated from the Saviour, excluded from God’s family, and cut off from the promises of the covenants (Eph.2:12). Similarly, our plight also left us without any hope, or connection with God. We deserved God’s condemnation and rejection.  However, peace with God was made possible, when God’s One and Only Son paid the price in full by the shedding of His precious blood – He cancelled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it away having nailed it to the cross – Colossians 2:14. Our position could not have been worse previously, but now we are completely accepted by our Heavenly Father, since our adoption. Paul told the Ephesians, that – now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ (Eph.2:13). Christ’s shed blood removes the penalty and guilt of our sin. Not only does Jesus give us peace with God, but as Paul stated – He Himself is our peace (Eph.2:14). This new and ongoing relationship with the Prince of Peace, is the source of the peace of God in our lives (Phil.4:7-9). God always intended to make both groups – Israelites and the Gentiles, one (Eph.2:14). His atoning sacrifice has broken down the barrier between the Gentiles and Israel, and also the enmity between us and God (Eph.2:14-15). Through the sacrifice of His perfect, unblemished Son, God has – … reconciled them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity (Eph.2:16).

Q.2. What was God’s plan? Why was the Spirit given? What has been achieved? Why is God’s building unique? – (Eph.2:17-22)

God always intended to make His earthly nation (Israel) and the other nations (Gentiles) one (Eph.2:14-16). To accomplish this – 17 And He came and preached peace to you who were far away, and peace to those who were near (Eph.2:17). The indwelling Holy Spirit gives us all access to the Father (Eph.2:18 c.f. Eph.1:13-14). We were once outsiders – strangers and aliens, but NOW you are fellow citizens with the saints, and belong to God’s household (Eph.2:19). The unique thing about the body of Christ is that it is built on Jesus Christ as the Cornerstone. He passed on the Truth of the Gospel to the apostles, and also through the prophets (Eph.2:20). The building, the holy Temple of the Lord, is a living and growing body (Eph.2:21). This can only be so when the body stays connected to its Head, Jesus Christ, and maintains its connection to the teaching of the apostles and prophets (Eph.1:22-23; 2:20 c.f. Jude 1:3).

Posted in Bible Books, Week 1, BRP Plus, New Testament, Chapter 2, Year 3, Letters, Ephesians, Day 6