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Psalm 100:1-5

Q.1. How should we approach the Lord? What is it about God that makes Him worthy of our worship? – (Ps.100:1-3)

God is the One and Only. He is Lord over all the earth. As the creator, He is in control of all the people of all the nations throughout history (Ps.100:1). We should acknowledge and worship Him because – it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves! (Ps.100:3). It is a big mistake to make ourselves the centre of the universe, because we are not. God is. He wants us to acknowledge that – We are His people and the sheep of His pasture! (Ps.100:3). Of all animals, a sheep is the most defenceless. It can only bleat and call out for help. Furthermore, the world and all that is in it, is His pasture and provision. He is its owner, and it all belongs to Him. He makes generous provision for His sheep. We must refuse to believe the lie that we have the right to control what we have. Jesus is the Shepherd Who laid down His life for His sheep (c.f. Jn.10:11-15).

Q.2. How are we exhorted to approach our God in worship? What makes Him worthy of our praise? – (Ps.100:4-5)

We are to – Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise and to bless His name (Ps.100:4). The reason the Psalmist gave for such a focus, was that – THE LORD IS GOOD i.e. HIS LOVINGKINDNESS IS EVERLASTING AND HIS FAITHFULNESS TO ALL GENERATIONS (Ps.100:5). This is a most relevant truth since our lives can range from blessing to ‘depressing’. We are to remind ourselves that our God is a good God in all our circumstances. God sustains us, so that we can know that He has planned eternal blessing beyond what we can ever conceive.

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Psalm, Year 3, Poetry, Day 4, Week 27, Chapter 100