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Exodus 9:1-35

Q.1. Was Israel afflicted by the plague on Egypt’s livestock? Why? What was the purpose of the next plague? Why did God spare Pharaoh? – (Exo.9:1-17)

It is generally true that God – causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous (Mt. 5:45). Nevertheless, God does protect and preserve His own from the most extreme circumstances, such as the Great Tribulation (1 Thes.4:13-17 c.f. 5:9-11). Pharaoh had thus far refused to let Israel go. Another a plague was sent, causing Egypt’s livestock to die of disease (Exo.9:1-3). Moses added – But the Lord will make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and the livestock of Egypt, so that nothing will die of all that belongs to the sons of Israel (Exo.9:4). When Pharaoh still refused to obey, God sent boils on the people and the animals of Egypt. Even the magicians of Egypt suffered (Exo.9:8-12). The seventh plague was extra intense. God declared – Behold … I will send a very heavy hail, such as has not been seen in Egypt from the day it was founded until now (Exo.9:18, 24). He reminded Pharaoh that He could easily have destroyed him and all Egypt, but He had restrained His hand – … for this reason I have allowed you to remain, in order to show you My power and in order to proclaim My name through all the earth (Exo.9:16).

Q.2. How bad was the plague of hail to be? What mercy was shown to the livestock and the Israelites? How did Pharaoh respond to the calamity? – (Exo.9:18-35)

The hailstorm was the worst ever inflicted on Egypt. However, in compassion, the Lord urged the Egyptians to place themselves and their stock under protective cover (Exo.9:20). Once again God protected His people in Goshen (Exo.9:26). Almost all the Egyptian livestock and crops were devastated (Exo.9:31-32). Pharaoh then called for Moses and Aaron, confessing that he had sinned against God this time, and he asked that they plead with God on his behalf (Exo.9:27-28). However, no sooner was the crisis over, than Pharaoh again hardened his heart and refused to let the sons of Israel go free (Exo.9:34-35). All was unfolding exactly as God had told Moses and Aaron it would do. (Exo.9:12, 35).

Posted in Old Testament, Law, Bible Books, BRP Plus, Exodus, Year 2, Day 2, Chapter 9, Week 16