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Psalm 119:113-120

Q.1. How would it bring special comfort for the oppressed, to know that God is their shield and hiding place? – (Ps.119:114)

The Psalmist experienced God in a very personal way. He addressed Him as ‘my’ hiding place and ‘my’ shield of defence. This meant everything to Corrie Ten Boom and her sister Betsie. Betsie died in a Nazi concentration camp, and Corrie survived. Both experienced God’s protection from the enemy of their souls. They grew stronger in faith through their trials. As Jesus said – Do not fear those that kill the body but are unable to ill the soul; but rather, fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell (Mt.10:28).

Q.2. What overall assurance does this reading give, that God will keep His children and bring down the wicked? – (Ps.119:113-120)

The Psalmist cried out to God for protection and deliverance. He asked God to – sustain me according to Your Word, that I may live (119:116). His prayer was that he would continually have a high regard for God and His teachings. He also took comfort from the confidence that the ascendency of the wicked would not be forever – … You have removed all the wicked of the earth like dross; therefore I love Your testimonies (119:119). All the days of both the great and the small, are numbered by God (Rev.20:11-15).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Psalm, Poetry, Year 4, Day 4, Week 25, Chapter 119