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Psalm 112:1-10

Q.1. To whom were God’s promises of blessing made? How would we apply this promise today? – (Ps.112:1)

Though the Psalm was written to encourage God’s people, Israel, the principle holds true to any person – who fears the Lord and … greatly delights in His commandments (Ps.112:1). God’s blessings flow to those who fear the Lord above all others. The other qualification is to have a heart that delights in (and keeps) His commandments. They are written by our Father Who knows best.

Q.2. What promises did God make to the upright in Israel? To what degree can we claim these blessings? – (Ps.112:2-9)

In line with the Covenant that God made with Israel, the people were promised strong families, financial freedom, generosity, and inner peace, because God – is gracious and compassionate and righteous (Ps.112:4 c.f. Ps.112:2-5; Deut.Chpts.28-29). Being connected to the living God makes all the difference as we travel through life. The righteous – 6 … will never be shaken; The righteous will be remembered forever. 7 He will not fear evil tidings; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord (Ps.112:6-7).

Q.3. What was God’s motive for blessing His people? – (Ps.112:10)

Those who do not regard God cannot avoid the evidence that the Lord is with the righteous (Ps.112:10). This will become more obvious in the declining years of both the righteous and the godless.

Posted in Old Testament, Bible Books, BRP Plus, Psalm, Year 3, Poetry, Day 4, Week 48, Chapter 112