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Daniel 6:1-28

Q.1. What kind of leader was King Darius? What was the king’s attitude to Daniel? Why? (Dan.6:1-9, 14)

King Darius was an astute leader who ruled his kingdom through one hundred and twenty satraps, whom he placed under three commissioners – … (of whom Daniel was one), that these satraps might be accountable to them so that the king might not suffer loss (Dan.6:2). The king was so impressed with the calibre of Daniel, that he was planning to place the administration of the kingdom in his hands. This caused the remaining leaders to become enemies of Daniel, because of jealousy. They planned a plot on his life. Though Darius loved Daniel and did all in his power to save him, the king was forced to have Daniel thrown into the lion’s den.

Q.2. How did the jealous enemies of Daniel trap King Darius? How did Daniel’s open defiance of the decree bring glory to God? (Dan.6:6-15, 25-27)

Though Darius was a strong administrative leader, he seemed to lack discernment. He was blindsided by the malice of his leaders who plotted the destruction of Daniel. These leaders knew his weakness – PRIDE. They were able to deceive Darius into signing an edict which had the intention of destroying Daniel. They did this by playing to the king’s desire for recognition and worship (Dan.6:3-5 c.f. 7-8). They knew that Daniel would not change nor hide his devotion for God, even in order to prevent losing his life. However, these events gave God yet further opportunity to be exalted under another ruler, Darius – I make a decree that in all the dominion of my kingdom men are to fear and tremble before the God of Daniel; for He is the living God and enduring forever, and His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed, and His dominion will be forever (Dan.6:26).

Q.3. What kind of servant and leader was Daniel? How did God extend His grace to Daniel, the king, and all the nations? (Dan.6:16-28)

Daniel was able to rise to the top of a foreign kingdom, under four separate kings. This incident revealed the reason for Daniel’s greatness. He was utterly loyal to the king. He also had an edge over all the other Babylonian leaders because he was constantly in touch with God. This was recognized by the king (and his enemies). Not only was the king going to elevate Daniel over all the other leaders, he was also confident that God would somehow deliver him, even from a den of lions. This, God did. (Dan.6:16, 20-23). Daniel’s faithfulness gave God the opportunity to declare His sovereign greatness to the king and to all the nations who made up the empire – 25 Then Darius the king wrote to all the peoples, nations and men of every language who were living in all the land: “May your peace abound! … 27 “He delivers and rescues and performs signs and wonders In heaven and on earth, Who has also delivered Daniel from the power of the lions.” (Dan.6:25 & 27).

Posted in Old Testament, Bible Books, BRP Plus, Year 4, Major Prophets, Day 5, Chapter 6, Daniel, Week 32