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Isaiah 31:1-9

Q.1. Why was the alliance with Egypt wrong? Would God change His mind? Would God protect His people if they returned to Him? What would happen to Assyria? – (Isa.31:1-9)

Judah was supposed to be in a covenant relationship with the Lord. They insulted Him when they turned to Egypt for help – … but they do not look to the Holy One of Israel, nor seek the Lord! (Isa.31:1 c.f. Ps.20:7; 147:10). God would not change His plans, but would turn against both Judah and Egypt, for – He also is wise and will bring disaster and does not retract His words … (Isa.31:2). There was still hope, as He appealed to them – Return to Him from whom you have deeply defected, O sons of Israel (Isa.31:6). God could be like a fearless lion protecting her young, and like a hovering bird – … will protect Jerusalem. He will protect and deliver it; He will pass over and rescue it (Isa.31:5). Isaiah 31:5 was amazingly fulfilled in World War 1, when General Allenby ordered planes to fly over the Arab territories and drop leaflets calling on them to surrender, thus protecting Israel from invasion. The Arabs had never seen planes before, and misread the signature of Allenby, thinking it was a command from Allah – so they obeyed. Isaiah foresaw a day when Judah would be cured from depending on idols made with human hands (Isa.31:7 c.f. Isa.30:22). However, God declared that Assyria’s princes will be terrified, and its people will become forced labourers (Isa.8-9). This prophecy will be fulfilled by – the Lord whose fire is in Zion and whose furnace is in Jerusalem (Isa.31:9).  

Posted in Bible Books, Year 1, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Isaiah, Major Prophets, Day 5, Week 30, Chapter 31

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