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Hebrews 1:1-7

Q.1. In what way is Christ a vastly better revelation of God? How should we respond to such news? – (Heb.1:1-3)

All the prophetic words written by the patriarchs and prophets in their proclamations and predictions, came from God (c.f. 2 Pet.1:20-21). However none could rival the Son Who fleshed out and revealed God’s heart for lost sinners (Jn.1:1, 14 & 18). That is because the Son not only spoke the absolute truth, but also lived it out perfectly, and He is the Truth (c.f. Jn.14:6, 7-9). By studying the words and the life of Jesus, we get an exact impression of the Father Whom He came to reveal.

Q.2. How was God’s Son described? What does it reveal about God, that He undertook to purify us from our sins through Jesus? – (Heb.1:2-3)

The writer of Hebrews presented one of the loftiest descriptions of the Son … and by deduction, our triune God. He acclaimed Him as – (1) None other than the Son of God. (2) Heir and Owner of the universe. (3) Creator of the Ages (of time, outer space, and eternity). (4) The outshining of God’s glory. (5) The exact replica of God’s character. (6) Upholder of the universe. (7) Redeemer of us sinners. (8) The risen King of Glory. We learn that God is the almighty and sovereign Creator, and Sustainer of the universe, and is totally awesome (Heb.1:2-3). And yet we learn that God is a God of love, mercy, and grace. He takes the initiative and stoops down to save helpless, guilty sinners. He is all that, at one and the same time. (Heb.1:3)

Q.3. What makes the Son so much better than the angels? How do the Old Testament Scriptures confirm His superiority over all? – (Heb.1:4-7)

What we know of the angels is that they are worshippers and ministers of God (Heb.1:6-7). They are powerful, and yet mostly unseen … like the wind. They are brilliant and purging … like a flame of fire. However, they cannot compare with the Son, since – He has inherited a more excellent name than they (Heb.1:4). He has a perfect relationship with the Father unlike any father – son relationship (Heb.1:5 & 8). He was brought forth and declared the Son at His baptism (just like the king at his coronation (Ps.2:7 c.f. Mt.3:16-17; 17:5) – You are My beloved Son and in You I am well-pleased (c.f. Mk.1:11).

Posted in Bible Books, Chapter 1, BRP Plus, New Testament, Letters, Year 4, Day 6, Hebrews, Week 18