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Psalm 105:1-24

Q.1. How can each new generation claim the blessings of the past? – (Ps.105:1-8)

Israel placed great focus on remembering the dealings of the Lord in their past history. That is hardly surprising, since God divided the year into seven festivals, so Israel would not forget Him and His mighty works. Moreover, God had broken each week into seven days. One of those, the Sabbath was to safeguard the worship and praise of their God. By contrast, today we can hardly keep up with the daily postings on the various technological wonders of the day. We have very little time for anything in the past. As part of his call to worship, the Psalmist wrote – Remember His wonders which He has done, His marvels and the judgments uttered by His mouth (Ps.105:5). Part of this rehearsing included a focus on God’s faithfulness to His promises – He has remembered His covenant forever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations (Ps.105:8). Such thinking gives tremendous stability to our lives in the midst of so much upheaval.

Q.2. How did God safeguard the blessings of the Covenant to His people? – (Ps.105:8-15)

Right from the birth of the nation, God protected Israel on their journeys. Then He raised up prophets to minister His truth to His people. He ensured the message would not be lost, by commanding – Do not touch My anointed ones and do My prophets no harm (Ps.105:15). One thing is clear.  God always had a witness for His people, in the good times and also during the dark days.

Q.3. What lessons did the Psalmist want us to learn from the life of Joseph? – (Ps.105:16-24)

Joseph was a real person whom God authorized to save His people and to judge over the Egyptians. However, the vision Joseph was given was sorely tested – until the time that his word came to pass (Ps.105:19). The Psalmist underscored the need for perseverance and persistence in righteous living. Joseph was a great example of the faithfulness of God, while acting in His own perfect time.

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Psalm, Year 3, Poetry, Day 4, Week 35, Chapter 105