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1 Thessalonians 5:12-28

Q.1. What kinds of people should the believers regard, and in what way? – (1 Thes.5:12-15)

Though we are instructed to love one another, the Bible teaches us to do so according to the situation. We are to – appreciate those who diligently labour among you and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction, and that you esteem them very highly in love because of their work (1 Thes.5:12-13). Firstly, those who diligently minister among us should be regarded more highly because of their work. Secondly, this includes those who have charge over us. Thirdly, those who do the teaching and preaching should be supported. Fourthly, we are to deal firmly with the unruly and undisciplined. Fifthly, we are to encourage those who become faint-hearted. Sixthly, we are to support and help those who are weak and defenceless. In fact, we are to be patient with everyone and in this way live at peace with one another. This requires thoughtfulness and prayerfulness (1 Thes.5:14-15).

Q.2. Which disciplines for godly living did Paul highlight? – (1 Thes.5:16-22, 25-27)

We are to strive to keep rejoicing, and to learn to give thanks in everything (1 Thes.5:16). Hebrews 13:15 calls it ‘a sacrifice’ of praise. It is God’s will that we live this way, because a lack of gratitude will destroy our faith and the faith of others (1 Thes.5:18). We are commanded to not quench the operation of the Holy Spirit in our lives by refusing to serve Christ or by despising prophetic utterances N.B. I understand this to be divine declarations based on the Word of God e.g. preaching (1 Thes.5:20). This must be balanced out by examining everything carefully, just as the Bereans did, who – … were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so (Acts.17:11 c.f. 1 Thes.5:21). We are also to refrain from participating in every form or appearance of evil (1 Thes.5:21).

Q.3. What made the benediction of Paul especially encouraging to these Thessalonian believers … and you? – (1 Thes.5:23-24, 28)

As much as Paul gave the blueprint for a godly lifestyle, he was under no illusion about how this could be achieved. We are to be entirely sanctified, without blame and completely preserved for God. However, Paul clearly identified that this will be accomplished by – the God of peace Himself … at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thes.5:23). To make it even clearer, Paul added – Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass (1 Thes.5:24). He concluded the letter with – The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you (1 Thes.5:28). The implication was the lovely confidence that God will accomplish these amazing outcomes. We must cooperate and not abuse His grace. However, this promise is based on Paul’s understanding that sinners will not achieve perfection apart from the grace of God.

Posted in Bible Books, New Testament, BRP Plus, Letters, Year 3, Chapter 5, Day 6, 1 Thessalonians, Week 36