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Psalm 119:89-96

Q.1. Why did the Psalmist hold such a high view of God’s Word? – (Ps.119:89-92, 96)

The Psalmist understood that God’s Word transcends the circumstances of life, because – Your Word is settled in heaven (Ps.119:89). Since God spoke from heaven – Your faithfulness continues throughout all generations; You established the earth and it stands (Ps.119:90). There is a limit to even the most perfect things in this temporal life. However, there is nothing that is outside of God’s sovereign plan and control (Ps.119:91). The Psalmist’s response was brilliant – If Your law had not been my delight, then I would have perished in my affliction (Ps.119:92). We also should always trust Him and His Word.

Q.2. How significant had God’s Word been in the life of the Psalmist? When did it mean the most to him? – (Ps.119:92-96)

The Psalmist saw how God had blessed him because he delighted in His Word. Time and time again, the Lord had revived him and saved him according to His Word – I will never forget Your precepts for by them You have revived me. I belong to You so save me, for I have sought Your precepts (Ps.119:93-94). This had been especially so when encountering trials or the attacks from his enemies. The Psalmist would have perished, had God not come through for him (Ps.119:92 & 95). He understood that life has boundaries in terms of time, talents, and treasures. However – Your commandment is exceedingly broad (Ps.119:96)

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Psalm, Poetry, Year 4, Day 4, Week 20, Chapter 119