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Proverbs 23:24-35

Q.1. How is a healthy respect for our parents beneficial? What is the fruit of such a relationship? – (Prov.23:24-26)

God has promised respectful children – that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth (Eph.6:3). This applies all the way to old age (Prov.23:22) and is a result of cultivating a heart that wants to bring gladness to parents. No parents are perfect. However, to honour our parents who care for us more than anyone else, is the foundation for all other successful inter-personal relationships.

Q.2. How does heeding our parents protect us from sexual sins and drunkenness? – (Prov.23:26-30)

Our parents will not advocate a destructive lifestyle that leads to bondage to other people, or to dangerous substances. We should avoid adulterous relationships that will lead to loss of security and faithfulness. We should also keep from the destructive influence of strong drink.

Q.3. What kind of wine should we shun? What are the dangers of alcohol abuse about which Solomon warned? – (Prov.23:29-35)

Solomon described the damage caused by alcohol abuse. Intoxicated people will often fail to remember how they were injured. Overuse of strong drink will lead to lack of control, abusive behaviour, a breakdown in inhibitions, and addiction that will take away our purpose for living.

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Proverbs, Poetry, Year 4, Chapter 23, Week 39