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Proverbs 21:13-20

Q.1. What insights did the writer give about our treatment of the needy? – (Prov.21:13-15)

We are encouraged to be generous with the poor and less fortunate, for – he who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered (Prov.21:13). God calls on His people to extend justice to the defenceless, for – the exercise of justice is joy for the righteous (Prov.21:15). There is also a place for wisdom, in order to head off strife, for – a gift in secret subdues anger and a bribe in the bosom, strong wrath (Prov.21:14).

Q.2. How did the writer confirm that we reap what we sow? – (Prov.21:16-20)

Selfishness towards the needy, and a violation of justice come back to bite us. Those who love pleasure, such as indulging in much wine and strong drink will also pay a high price (Prov.21:17). In the end, the wicked and treacherous person will not prosper. By contrast the righteous and faithful person will be blessed by the Lord, if not in this life, certainly in the life to come (Prov.21:18). Foolish people use up their resources, whereas the resources of the wise will increase and remain (Prov.21:20).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Proverbs, Poetry, Year 4, Day 4, Week 18, Chapter 21