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1 Corinthians 8:1-6

Q.1. Is there a limitation to knowledge when it comes to liberty? What makes love more helpful? What is the relationship between love and living out the truth? = (1 Cor.8:1-3)

In discussing the issue of – things sacrificed to idols… Paul suggested that decisions about our liberties and our responsibilities to others are more than an academic exercise. In fact, knowledge tends to cause people to think of themselves more highly than they should. This isolates them from both God and others (1 Cor.8:1). As members of one another, we are to love and consider others, in order to build them up. Paul reminded the Corinthians that even the most knowledgeable person is inferior to God, and that to love God is a much better way to please Him (1 Cor.8:2-3).

Q.2. What place did Paul give to idols? Why is God bothered by idol worship? In what way do believers respond to God? What place should God have? – (1 Cor.8:4-6)

Did Paul give credence to idols? He declared – … we know that there is no such thing as an idol in the world and that there is no God but one (1 Cor.8:4). God cannot be compared with the multitudes of man-made gods and idols which are patently phoney (1 Cor.8:5). For believers – there is but one God, the Father, from Whom are all things, and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him (1 Cor.8:6). Since God made everything, He is the Heir and Owner of everything in the universe. There is only one reason why we have any future and hope, and that is that Christ made us, and saved us for His purpose.

Posted in Bible Books, Year 1, BRP Plus, 1 Corinthians, New Testament, Letters, Day 6, Chapter 8, Week 47

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