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Proverbs 12:1-9

Q.1. Why is instruction crucial? How does the outlook of the righteous and the wicked differ? Is their destiny the same? – (Prov.12:1-3, 5-7)

It takes wisdom and experience to recognize the benefits of discipline, and to respond positively to correction. It is patently childish and unwise to hate reproof (Prov.12:1). This is how a good man will – obtain favour from the Lord (Prov.12:2). It makes the righteous steadfast and immovable (Prov.12:3). This cannot apply to the wicked who will not be established but will be condemned by the Lord (Prov.12:2-3). Wicked people try to deceitfully persuade others to join their evil schemes, but they will themselves be overthrown (Prov.12:5-7).

Q.2. How can a wife bless her husband? On what basis will a house be established? How can we make a lasting impression? – (Prov.12:4, 7-9)

Solomon spoke from experience when he declared – An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who shames him is like rottenness in his bones (Prov.12:4 c.f. Ecc.2:8-11). There are many ways a wife can shame her husband. None surpasses in value more than a wife who respects him (Prov.31:10-12). Solomon observed that – … the house of the righteous will stand (Prov.12:7). A house will be established by right living. Those who are crooked will be despised, whereas – A man will be praised according to his insight (Prov.12:8). What truth was Solomon conveying, in claiming that – Better is he who is lightly esteemed and has a servant than he who honours himself and lacks bread (Prov.12:9)? The LXX Greek version of the Hebrew explains that – “Better is the one who serves but is not esteemed, than the one who serves himself and lacks bread”. A selfless person will not lose his reward.

Posted in Old Testament, Bible Books, BRP Plus, Year 2, Poetry, Proverbs, Day 4, Chapter 12, Week 38