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Proverbs 14:13-26

Q.1. What insights about life did Solomon give, to teach us to choose wisely? – (Prov.14:13-19)

We are to learn that laughter often hides a broken heart, and that the gains of a backslider are never permanent (Prov.14:13-14). Solomon observed that – the naïve believes everything, but the sensible man regards his steps. A wise man is cautious and turns away from evil, but the fool is arrogant and careless (Prov.14:15-16). As Jesus taught, both evil and wicked people will acknowledge the good and righteous (Prov.14:19 c.f. Lk.16:23-25). Solomon underscored the teaching of Jesus, that broad is the road that leads to destruction. There are many on that road, and only a few on the narrow road that leads to life (Mt.7:13-14).

Q.2. What guiding principles were we given on how to respond to poverty and blessing? – (Prov.14:20-26)

Money seems to influence the way people treat others – the poor are despised, but the rich have great appeal.  We must learn to be gracious to the poor (Prov.14:20-21). There is an outcome for slothfulness, and also an outcome for hard work (Prov.14:23). Most people think they are successful if they become rich, but – in the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence and his children will have refuge (Prov.14:26). There is no substitute for the security of being a child of God (Prov.14:26).

Posted in Old Testament, Bible Books, BRP Plus, Year 3, Poetry, Proverbs, Day 4, Week 7, Chapter 14