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Psalm 81:1-16 &Psalm 82:1-8

Q.1. How had God proven His faithfulness to Israel? What made idolatry unacceptable?  Had His people honoured God? – (Ps.81:1-16)

God had wonderfully delivered His people from slavery in Egypt – You called in trouble and I rescued you; I answered you in the hiding place of thunder (Ps.81:7). He also had responded on their wilderness journeys, when they were thirsty – You called in trouble and I rescued you … (Ps.81:7). Did Israel love the Lord in return? No. – My people did not listen to My voice, and Israel did not obey Me (Ps.81:11). God longed for Israel to listen to Him, and to walk in His ways – O that My people would listen to Me, that Israel would walk in My ways (Ps.81:13). Alas, they stubbornly resisted the One Who had saved them. It is a challenge for us, to maintain a heart of gratitude to the One Who has made perfect provision for us, because He clearly favours those who belong to Him (Ps.81:14-16).

Q.2. Why did God judge His people and their rulers? What was their potential as a nation? How did Jesus apply this truth? – (Ps.82:1-8)

God will not countenance indifference in His own people (Ps.82:1-2 c.f. 1 Pet.4:17). He will judge sham. He expects the godly to protect the rights of the defenceless – the weak and fatherless … the afflicted and destitute … the weak and needy (Ps.82:3-4 c.f. Mic.6:8). God created us as His crown of creation, in the image of God. He had a lofty purpose for us, and said – You are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most-High … to become conformed to the image of His Son (Ps.82:6; Rom.8:29). Jesus quoted this in John 10:34, when the religious leaders challenged His claim to be the Son of God. Yet to – as many as received the Son, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name (Jn.1:12). Despite such potential, Asaph concluded – you will die like men and fall like princes (Ps.82:7). Only can our potential be realized, and our judgment averted, as we come under the provisions of Christ (Ps.82:8). 

Posted in Old Testament, Bible Books, Week 2, Psalm, Year 3, Poetry, Day 4, Chapter 81, Chapter 82