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Ezekiel 25:1-17

Q.1. What attitude in these nations was singled out for God’s judgment? What does this tell us about God? – (Ezk.25:1-17)

Up to this point, God had been warning Judah of the coming destruction for all their unfaithfulness. However, now God turned His face against the surrounding nations. He was about to lay His vengeance on Ammon, Moab, Seir, and Edom – nations who were distant relatives of Abraham and Jacob (c.f. Gen.19:36-38; 25:3; 36:8-9, 34). God addressed the sons of Ammon (Ezk.25:2-7), the Moabites (Ezk.25:8-11, and the Edomites (Ezk.25:12-14). The Philistines also come in for God’s attention because they gloated over Judah’s demise (Ezk.25:15-17). Their judgement would tell them loudly and clearly that Israel’s God was God almighty. This demonstrated that God shows no favouritism when it comes to nations, and He will punish sin without favour (Ezk.25:5, 7, 11, 14, 17).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Week 2, Year 4, Major Prophets, Day 5, Ezekiel, Chapter 25