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James 5:7-12

Q.1. What attitude should we cultivate in view of Christ’s coming? What can help us overcome complaints against one another? – (Jms.5:7-9)

Just as a farmer waits patiently for the early and late rains that will bring a reward, so should we, as believers. Patience is the quality that fortifies our hearts, and helps us to persevere, even in times of drought. Patience helps us to endure – until the coming of the Lord … which is close at hand (Jms.5:7 & 8). However, our focus should not be just to hang on, but also to live with grace toward others. Our sinful tendency to judge others will be overcome as we recognize that – the Judge is standing right at the door (Jms.5:9).

Q.2. How can the attitude of Job and the prophets inspire endurance? Why did James warn us to watch our words? – (Jms.5:10-12 c.f. Jms.1:19-20; 3:1-2)

According to Jesus, almost every prophet has been persecuted (Mt.23:29-36). However, they persevered in order to remain faithful to God, and to the righteous. Few suffered as much as Job. However, he remained true to God. In due time his blessings were doubled (Job.42:10). Since God is full of compassion and mercy, we can expect Him to reward all who diligently seek Him. James also warned us to keep our words free from embellishments – But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath; but your yes is to be yes, and your no, no, so that you may not fall under judgment (Jms.5:12). Satan is the father of all liars, whereas Jesus is the truth (Jn.8:44; 14:6). They are poles apart. We should avoid lies, thus keep our speech truthful.

Posted in Bible Books, BRP Plus, New Testament, Letters, Year 4, Chapter 5, Day 6, James, Week 51