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Luke 5:1-11

Q.1. Why was Jesus teaching the crowds from a boat? – (Lk.5:1-3)

Jesus had moved around the district, preaching about the kingdom of God. His ministry had drawn large crowds (c.f. Lk.4:43). His teaching alone drew these crowds because He spoke with such authority. The people pressed in upon Him (Lk.5:1 c.f. Lk.4:32 & 36). Jesus requested Peter to take Him into his boat. He then – began teaching the people from the boat (Lk.5:3). They needed to hear the Gospel of the kingdom of God.

Q.2. What was Peter’s response to Jesus after they caught the large haul of fish? – (Lk.5:4-9)

Jesus never lost sight of His mission that would be continued on by His followers. He told Peter – Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch (Lk.5:4). Peter expressed his reluctance, after a fruitless night of fishing. However, he obeyed (Lk.5:5) When Peter did just as Jesus had commanded, he and his fishing partners were inundated with a huge haul of fish (Lk.5:6-7). Peter realized that Jesus was more than a fine teacher. The miracle impressed upon Peter the depth of his own unworthiness – Go away from me Lord, for I am a sinful man (Lk.5:8). How could Jesus be a master fisherman? (Lk.5:9).

Q.3. What unusual thing did Jesus call the disciples to do? How did they respond? – (Lk.5:10-11)

Jesus called Peter and his companions in a way that they could understand – a call to fish … except with the difference that they would be fishing for men – Do not fear, from now on you will be catching men (Lk.5:10). These men knew about drawing in fish, but not people. Therefore, Jesus prefaced the call by telling them not to fear. After securing their boats, Peter, and the others – left everything and followed Him (Lk.5:11). When we fear Jesus more than mere men, nothing is too great a price to pay to following Him.

Posted in Gospels, Day 1, Bible Books, New Testament, BRP Plus, Luke, Year 3, Chapter 5, Week 12