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Mark 5:1-20

Q .1. To where did Jesus and His disciples go? What did they face in the country of the Gerasenes? How great was the threat to the people? What was the man’s response to Jesus? – (Mk.5:1-6)

Jesus had stilled the storm, but now led His disciples into a different kind of storm, when – They came to the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gerasenes (Mk.5:1). The exorcism took place near the banks of Gergesa on the southeast section of the Sea of Galilee. Mark focused on one of the two demoniacs who confronted Jesus and His disciples (Mk.5:2 c.f. Mt.8:28). This demoniac lived among the tombs. No one could control him, even with chains (Mk.5:3-4). The demons made the man scream out, and he often gashed himself. The townsfolk feared danger from the violent man and avoided the area (Mk.5:4-5 c.f. Mt.8:28). The demoniac’s first response to seeing Jesus, was to bow down before Him (Mk.5:6 c.f. Jms.2:19).

Q.2. What did the demoniac actually say to Jesus? Why did he speak that way? What question did Jesus ask? Where did the demons wish to go? What happened to the demons? – (Mk.5:7-13)

The demoniac recognised Jesus as God’s Son, and the demons cried out – What business do we have with each other, Jesus, Son of the Most-High God? I implore You by God, do not torment me! (Mk.5:7). They reacted in this way because Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit to depart from the man (Mk.5:8). Jesus firstly demanded to know the name of the demon possessing the man. The man replied – My name is Legion; for we are many (Mk.5:9). The demons then asked not to be cast out, without another body to afflict. They begged to be sent into a nearby herd of swine (Mk.5:10-12). Jesus permitted them to enter the swine, and – the herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea, about two thousand (Mk.5:13). The herd of swine were all drowned in the lake (Mk.5:13). Jesus would have known about the large number of demons, and required to know their name, so He could deal directly with them. It was also a valuable insight for His disciples, in the casting out of demons (c.f. Mk.9:14-29). Were the demons drowned? According to the parable Jesus told about demons recorded in Luke – when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and not finding any, it says. ‘I will return to my house from which I came’ (Lk.11:24). Satan is constantly seeking someone to devour, so demons will be active until they are finally caste into the abyss (1 Pet.5:8; Rev.20:10).

Q.3. What did the herdsmen do? How did they respond to the changed man and to Jesus? What was the exorcized man’s wish? What did Jesus tell him to do? Did he obey Jesus? – (Mk.5:14-20)

The incident had been witnessed by the herdsmen. They reported the event in the city, and soon the people came to see what had happened (Mk.5:14). An amazing transformation had taken place. When – they came to Jesus and observed the man who had been demon-possessed sitting down, clothed and in his right mind, the very man who had had the “legion”; and they became frightened (Mk.5:15 c.f. Mk.4:41). In spite of the lovely change in this man, the loss of the herd of swine was too great a cost for the townsfolk, so they – implored Him to leave their region (Mk.5:17). The man begged to stay with Jesus, but – He did not let him, but He said to him, “Go home to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you.” (Mk.5:19). The man obeyed and was unstoppable. He proclaimed his amazing testimony in and around Decapolis (Mk.5:20). Jesus dispelled the myth that you need to be in ‘full time’ work to serve the Lord. He wants His disciples to shine wherever He has placed them.

Posted in Gospels, Day 1, Bible Books, New Testament, BRP Plus, Mark, Year 2, Chapter 5, Week 24