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Matthew 25:1-13

Q.1. To what else did Jesus compare the kingdom? To which event was Jesus alluding in His parable? Why did the virgins need oil? How did the context explain what Jesus was speaking about? – (Mt.25:1-4)

Jesus had given numerous parables to describe features of His coming Kingdom (c.f. Mt.13:3, 24, 32, 33, 44, 45, 47). What was unusual, was that this Groom was to marry a Bride consisting of many virgins. This is contrary to the pattern established by God from the beginning, where a marriage is to be between one man and one woman (Gen.2:24; Mt.19:4-6).  The mystery herein described by Jesus, is explained in Revelation 19:7-9 where the Bridegroom is the Lamb, and the Bride, all the redeemed of the ages (c.f. Eph.5:32). The anointing of oil in the Old Testament signified the indwelling work of the Holy Spirit in New Testament believers (c.f. 1 Jn.2:20, 27). Before any of us can let our light shine in a dark world, we must have the ‘anointing oil’ of the Holy Spirit (c.f. Mt.5:16). Without the indwelling Holy Spirit, we do not belong to Him at all (c.f. Rom.8:9). In this context, Jesus had been warning His disciples to be ready for His coming (Mt.25:13 c.f. Mt.24:42-51).

Q.2. Why were five virgins called wise, and five foolish? Did the ten virgins succeed in getting oil at midnight? Who was admitted to the wedding feast? Why were five refused entrance? – (Mt.25:2-13)

The visible church contains genuine believers, and also the unsaved (Mt.13:36-42, 47-50). The anointing of the Holy Spirit, represented by the oil, is crucial. Only five of the virgins were properly prepared for the imminent return of the Groom. Jesus had already warned His disciples, that the days prior to His coming again would be dark. It was too late for the five foolish virgins to try to get that oil, in the darkness of midnight. The five wise virgins were prepared and waiting when – … the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut (Mt.25:10). The foolish virgins knocked to gain entrance into the wedding feast saying – 11 … `Lord, lord, open up for us.’ ‘Truly I say to you, I do not know you.’ (Mt.25:11-12). This is how our Heavenly Groom will respond to all who have not received the Holy Spirit. Jesus gave this solemn warning – Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day or the hour (Mt.25:13).

Posted in Gospels, Day 1, Bible Books, Matthew, BRP Plus, Year 2, New Testament, Week 4, Chapter 25

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