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John 6:1-25

Q.1. What was Jesus trying to teach His disciples, when feeding the five thousand? –

Jesus was taking some time out with His disciples, after hearing that John the Baptizer had been beheaded. They were soon interrupted by the crowds who were eager for more signs. The Synoptic Gospel writers indicated that the disciples wanted to send the crowd home, since it was impossible to feed them in that deserted place. The motivation behind the miracle was the compassion of Jesus (Mk.6:34). However, John added that Jesus seized on this opportunity to test Philip and the others – to test him, for He himself knew what He was intending to do. (Jn.6:6).

Q.2. How did the options of the disciples for feeding the crowds compare with that of Jesus? What is the lesson for us? – (Jn.6:7-14)

The consensus of the Twelve, was that there was no possible way to feed that crowd (Lk.9:12). Philip did his sums. He replied that even two hundred days’ wages would not be enough. Andrew, with a little faith, drew attention to a lad’s lunch – five barley loaves and two fish, but doubted that this would go far. Jesus knew what He was about to do, even though the expectations of His disciples were not high. We often face our challenges similarly and fail to factor in the limitless resources of Jesus. There were even twelve baskets of leftover food to spare. As with the disciples, the issue may not be that we doubt Christ’s abilities. Maybe we do not know what He is going to do (Jn.6:6).

Q.3. How did Jesus respond to the adulation of the crowds? What more did the disciples learn about Jesus? – (Jn.6:14-21)

We are often tempted to want to please the crowds. Jesus did not need to do this.  He was not about to submit to their agenda to – take Him by force and to make Him king (Jn.6:15). – He withdrew again to the mountain by Himself alone (Jn.6:15) … He needed to focus on His mission. He had sent His disciples on ahead, and they were battling against strong winds. Out of nowhere Jesus stepped out of the darkness – walking on the sea and drawing near to the boat (Jn.6:19). They thought He was a ghost and were very frightened. He quietened their hearts, and they took Him into the boat … then they were miraculously at their destination. By now, they were beginning to realize that Jesus was no ordinary man.

Q.4. What impact did the miraculous feeding of the people have on them? – (Jn.6:14-15, 22-25)

The crowds were already sensationalized by Jesus’ signs and healings (Jn.6:2). Now their hunger had been satisfied, with plenty of food to spare. They concluded that Jesus was the chosen One of God (Jn.6:14). They knew – that Jesus had not entered the boat, but that His disciples had gone away alone (Jn.6:22) They began to quiz Him as to how He had reached the other side of the lake (Jn.6:25). The crowds were clearly hanging out for more spectacular miracles.

Posted in Gospels, Day 1, Bible Books, BRP Plus, New Testament, John, Year 4, Chapter 6, Week 24