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Luke 7:36-50

Q.1. How did Simon the Pharisee respond to the outpouring of love on Jesus by a disreputable woman? – (Lk.7:36-39)

Out of courtesy, Simon the Pharisee had invited Jesus to dine with him (Lk.7:36). He wanted to see for himself who this Jesus was. They were interrupted by the appearance of a woman who was known for her questionable lifestyle. (Lk.7:37). Simon was disgusted that Jesus fully accepted the extravagant devotion of this woman – she wept in contrition, wiped His feet with her hair, and anointed His feet with perfume. (Lk.7:38). Simon’s doubts about Jesus were confirmed in his mind, as – he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, He would know who and what sort of person this woman is who is touching Him, that she is a sinner (Lk7:39)

Q.2.Why did Jesus direct His parable to Simon the Pharisee? What point was He driving home? – (Lk.7:40-46)

In Jesus’ response, He revealed the arrogance that Simon was displaying. He did this by using a parable (Lk.7:40-42). Simon rightly identified that the level of gratitude which people have towards God, is influenced by their perception of how much they have been forgiven (Lk.7:43). Simon’s treatment of Jesus had been quite insulting. Under normal circumstances, a host would ensure that the feet of all his guests were washed. Also, the usual custom was for a guest to receive a kiss of greeting. Though the invitation from Simon seemed to imply friendship, his failure to offer proper warm hospitality revealed an attitude of superiority towards Jesus. By contrasting Simon’s actions with those of the woman, Jesus powerfully drove home the fact that the women whom Simon was demeaning had a much greater insight into Who He was, than did Simon. (Lk.7:44-46).

Q.3. How much did Jesus forgive the woman? How much has God forgiven you? Does it matter? – (Lk.7:47-50)

Jesus said to the woman – Your sins have been forgiven (Lk.7:48). Why? – Your faith has saved you; Go in peace! (Lk.7:50). Not only were her sins forgiven, she also was saved by her demonstration of faith. Her faith led her to see Who Jesus was – He was surely the Messiah. As such, no gift could be too great to lavish on such a One (Lk.7:37-38). Simon was so near – and yet so far. The Son of God was in his house … right there with him … and he would not see it. He would rather hang on to his own comparative righteousness, than trust in God’s appointed Saviour. In the end – … he who is forgiven little, loves little (Lk.7:47). So much depends on how honest we are about our own sin.

Posted in Gospels, Day 1, Bible Books, New Testament, BRP Plus, Year 3, Luke, Chapter 7, Week 21