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John 9:1-23

Q.1. How did Christ’s disciples understand sickness and suffering? Can God be glorified without divine intervention? How were the works of God on display in the healing? (Jn.9:1-7)

It seems that people have always concluded that sickness and suffering are punishment from God. However, the New Testament teaches that frailty and death are part of the experience of us all, ever since Adam sinned (Rom.5:12-14). For this reason, all creation groans under futility and corruption. It is hard to make sense of suffering at times (Rom.8:19-22). Jesus explained God’s over-arching plan – … It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him (Jn.9:3). Though we share the pain of those whom we love who suffer from disease, Jesus encouraged us to believe that, regardless of whether or not a person is healed – the works of God can be displayed through this suffering. Hebrews 11:32-38 makes it clear that there are times when it pleases God to intervene supernaturally. There are also times when His works are revealed through suffering and death. This is a crucial truth for several reasons. If the only way for God to be glorified is through healing, then those who are not healed could lose heart and faith. However, since frailty and death will be experienced by all people, our faith can be sustained, either with our without healing. The works of God were displayed in this healing. They gave proof of Christ’s Messiahship.

Q.2. What was the thrust of the questions from the crowds? Why were the Pharisees critical of the healing? How did the healed man deal with questions about Jesus? (Jn.9:8-17)

It was such an amazing miracle, that it gave rise to doubts about the identity of the formerly blind man. However, the healed man confirmed that he was the blind beggar who had followed the simple instructions of Jesus. As a result he was well. The crowds sought the opinion of the Pharisees, who repeated the inquiries. They could not conceive that such a notable miracle could be done by someone who was breaking the Sabbath. The healed man rejected their arguments and claimed that Jesus was a prophet of God.

Q.3. Why did the Pharisees quiz the parents? Why were the parents guarded in their response? Do people today act like the Pharisees? (Jn.9:18-23)

The religious leaders had concluded that Jesus was a fraud and a sinner. They questioned the man’s parents who were under intense pressure – … because they were afraid of the Jews; for the Jews had already agreed that if anyone confessed Him to be Christ, he was to be put out of the synagogue (Jn.9:22). They simply testified – We know this is our son … we know he was born blind. Why not ask him – … “He is of age; ask him.” (Jn.9:23 c.f. 20). Sadly, leaders in the church often sidestep the real issues and persist in fruitless religion. Similarly, world leaders ignore the power of the Gospel to change lives. Instead, they persist in the gaining of knowledge, in order to find the solution to problems caused by sin.

Posted in Gospels, Day 1, Bible Books, New Testament, BRP Plus, John, Year 4, Chapter 9, Week 32