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Matthew 15:21-39

Q.1. Why did Jesus withdraw to the north of Galilee? Why did He ignore the Canaanite woman? How did He respond to her cry for help? What made her faith shine? Was she granted her request? – (Mt.15:21-18 c.f. Jn.7:1)

Jesus had clashed with the Jewish leaders and did not want to inflame the situation any further (Mt.15:7-12). John told us – … He was unwilling to walk in Judea because the Jews were seeking to kill Him (Jn.7:1). However, while He was between the cities of Tyre and Sidon, a Canaanite woman came to Him, and cried out – … Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed (Mt.15:22).  Jesus deliberately ignored her pleas, but the woman kept up her appeal. Jesus explained -… I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Mt.15:24). She then bowed down and begged – Lord, help me! (Mt.15:25). Jesus knew what He was planning to do, so continued – … It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs (Mt.15:26). This brought out her humility and faith – … Yes, Lord; but even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table (Mt.15:27). Jesus highly commended her – … O woman, your faith is great; it shall be done for you as you wish. And her daughter was healed at once (Mt.15:28). Several things stand out: (i) The priority of the Master was Israel. (ii) The signs of healing were given to Israel, in order to authenticate His claims of Messiahship. (iii) Christ’s rebuff was intended to stimulate her faith, not destroy it. (iv) God honours those who accept their individual circumstances in faith. (v) Jesus recognised the greatness of her faith.

Q.2. What did Jesus do when He returned to the Sea of Galilee? How did the people respond to His healings? Why did Jesus feed the four thousand? What do you think of the response of His disciples? – (Mt.15:29-39 c.f. Mt.16:5-12)

The Sea of Galilee is seven hundred feet below sea level and measures over twenty kilometres long, and almost twelve kilometres at its widest point. The hills rise to one thousand four hundred feet above sea level. The mountain referred to is near Decapolis (i.e. the Golan Heights). These mountains rise to two thousand five hundred feet (Mk.6:31). Here Jesus sat with His disciples. Four thousand men, besides women and children began – … bringing with them those who were lame, crippled, blind, mute, and many others, and they laid them down at His feet; and He healed them (Mt.15:30, 38). The people therefore – glorified the God of Israel (Mt.15:31). Once more we observe the heart of Jesus – … I feel compassion for the people, because they have remained with Me now three days and have nothing to eat; and I do not want to send them away hungry, for they might faint on the way (Mt.15:32). The disciples had learned little from the previous miracle of feeding the multitudes (Mt.15:33). Jesus painstakingly went through the same procedure (Mt.15:35-37 c.f. Mt.14:17-21). Even after He had performed the same miracle twice, the disciples still failed to factor the Lord into their calculations (Mt.16:5-12). What a unique teacher Jesus was. What amazing patience. He knows our frame – He Himself knows our frame. He is mindful that we are but dust (Ps.103:14). No one understands like Jesus.

Posted in Bible Books, Matthew, Year 1, Gospels, Day 1, BRP Plus, New Testament, Chapter 15, Week 33

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