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Luke 22:54-71

Q.1. What sequence of events led to Peter’s denial of Jesus? What broke Peter’s hard heart? – (Lk.22:54-62)

We observe that – Peter was following at a distance (Lk.22:54). Peter then merged in with the crowd, and kept warm by the fire, waiting to see what would happen. It was not exactly a surprise, that when challenged by a servant-girl, Peter responded by denying that he even knew Jesus. He was now on a slippery slope that led to further vehement denials (Lk.22:54-60). Though Peter had boasted that he alone would never abandon Him, Jesus had specifically predicted these denials. He prophesied – the rooster will not crow today until you have denied three times that you know Me (Lk.22:34 c.f. Lk.22:31-33). The moment when this happened the third time, Jesus turned and looked at Peter. Peter’s proud heart was broken by that look of disappointed love. He wept bitterly (Lk.22:61-62).

Q.2. How was Jesus treated by the arresting officers? Why did Jesus not retaliate? – (Lk.22:63-65)

In spite of Jesus’ healing of the ear of Malchus, the arresting officers took advantage of His meekness and submission to His divine fate. Jesus deserved to be treated with dignity. However, they mocked and beat Him, and no one defended Him (Lk.22:63). John’s Gospel recorded that they first bound Jesus, then took Him to the High Priest (c.f. Jn.18:12 & 24). To blindfold and hit a defenceless man … then ask Him to identify who hit Him, was the height of blasphemy against the Most High God (Lk.22:64-65).

Q.3. How did Jesus respond to the interrogation by the religious leaders? What did they make of the declarations by Jesus? – (Lk.22:66-71)

The leaders were not interested in the truth. Jesus stated the obvious before the Sanhedrin – 67 … If I tell you, you will not believe, 68 and if I ask a question, you will not answer (Lk.22:67-68). Nevertheless, He boldly spoke the truth – 69 But from now on the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the power of God (Lk.22:69). The reference was understood by these scholars of Scripture, to be a claim to Sonship and Messiahship, as prophesied in Psalm 110:1 and Daniel 7:13-14. However, they wanted an unequivocal declaration – And they all said, “Are You the Son of God, then?” He said to them, “Yes, I am” (Lk.22:70). At that moment, they should have fallen on their faces as the Magi had done (c.f. Mt.2:11). However, in their blind envy, they used this testimony from Jesus’ own mouth to convict Him (c.f. Mt.27:18).

Posted in Gospels, Day 1, Bible Books, New Testament, BRP Plus, Luke, Year 4, Week 6, Chapter 22