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Luke 2:41-52

Q. Into what kind of a family was Jesus born? Were Mary and Joseph good parents? – (Lk.2:41-46)

Joseph and Mary gave Jesus and the rest of the family a devout Jewish upbringing. They did everything according to the Law, including circumcision, paying the ransom price for a firstborn son, and giving offerings for Mary’s purification (Lk.2:21-24 c.f. Exo.13:1-2, 11-15; Lev.12:1-8). After being warned to flee from King Herod’s fury in Egypt, they settled in Nazareth (Mt.2:13-23). Jesus was tenderly protected by God the Father, so the family was able to flee from Herod, and later Archelaus (Mt.2:13 & 22).  Jesus’ parents also cared for Him body, soul, and spirit. Each year they journeyed from Nazareth to the temple in Jerusalem during the Passover (Lk.2:41). They were good parents although they had journeyed for a day, before realizing that Jesus was still in Jerusalem (Lk.2:42-45). That incident reminds us that even when parents do their best, they are totally needing the mercy of God for the protection of their children. Joseph and Mary obviously had great confidence in the ability of Jesus to look after Himself.

Q.2. Why did Jesus stay behind in Jerusalem after the Passover? What was Jesus like as a twelve-year-old? – (Lk.2:46-47 & 52)

The Jewish boy become an adult after Bar Mitzvah, when he was considered a son of (or under) the Law. This was celebrated at the synagogue, and the boy was expected to be able to recite the Law of Moses, being the first five books of the Scriptures. Even at age twelve, Jesus had gained a keen awareness of His destiny, from knowing the Old Testament Scriptures. He was already passionate to learn all He could about His Father’s affairs. The parents’ search ended when – after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions (Lk.2:46-47). Mary’s worries understandably spilled over when they found Jesus. She said – Son, why have You treated us this way? Behold, Your father and I have been anxiously looking for You (Lk.2:48). Jesus was in a league of His own, with both His interest in the things of God, and also His understanding of the Scriptures. This was acknowledged by the leading teachers of His day (Lk.2:47).

Q.3. How did Jesus show that He was a unique child? How did Mary respond to His explanation? – (Lk.2:48-51)

Mary’s worries quickly gave way to submission to God- and His mother treasured all these things in her heart (Lk.2:51). Why did her attitude change so dramatically? It was her response to the reminder that Jesus was all Whom Gabriel had announced, and that He was on a mission from God – “Why is it that you were looking for Me? Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house i.e. about the things of My Father (Lk.2:49). Obviously, there was much she still did not understand. However, in her heart she knew that Jesus had to clarify His calling. He was in no way an obstinate child. He was a perfect son – 51 And He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and He continued in subjection to them …52 And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men (Lk.2:51-52). This is all we have recorded about the days of His childhood.