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John 1:35-51

Q.1. How did Jesus recruit Andrew? What did Andrew conclude after staying with Jesus? What did they talk about? – (Jn.1:35-41 c.f. 1:45)

Andrew had been a disciple of John the Baptizer who lived in the wilderness of Judea. Therefore, it was not surprising for him to ask Jesus – where are You staying? (Jn.1:38). The response of Jesus was both hospitable and transparent. Andrew felt welcome enough to stay the rest of the day. Like Philip, Andrew concluded that in Jesus he had found the Messiah because of the way He had opened up the Scriptures to these would-be disciples (Jn.1:41 & 45). Both the demeanour and explanations of Jesus confirmed that He was the promised Messiah. However, the disciples did not follow either John or Jesus because of their lavish dwellings (c.f. Mt.11:8; Lk.9:58).

Q.2. What was the first thing that those following Jesus did after meeting Him? What is significant about Peter’s new name? – (Jn.1:41-45)

The way in which Jesus opened up the Scriptures to both Andrew and Philip convinced them that He was indeed the Messiah (Jn.1:41) & 45). It was natural for them to immediately share this news with those whom they cared about, and those whom they knew were also looking for the Messiah. Upon meeting Simon, Jesus renamed him Peter (Greek: Πέτρος … ‘petros’ meaning a stone). Jesus saw the potential in Peter, as He does in us all (Jn.1:42).

Q.3. Why did Nathanael change his mind about Jesus? What convincing proof did Jesus give Nathanael of His divine origin? – (Jn.1:46-51)

Nathanael was a no-nonsense kind of person. He readily voiced his doubts about the inhabitants of Nazareth. Philip’s response was classic – ‘Come and see for yourself and then make up your own mind’ (Jn.1:45-46). When Jesus indicated that He knew Nathanael’s character and what he had been doing under the Figtree, Nathanael was convinced about Him – Nathanael answered Him, “Rabbi, You are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel.” (Jn.1:49). Jesus further revealed that He knew that Nathanael had been reading the account of Jacob’s vision of a staircase reaching into Heaven (Jn.1:51 c.f. Gen.28:10-14).

Posted in Bible Books, Gospels, Day 1, Chapter 1, BRP Plus, New Testament, John, Year 4, Week 14