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Mark 5:21-43

Q .1. Why did Jesus stay in the boat? How did He know someone touched Him for healing? Who touched Him and why? Why did Jesus get her to testify to her healing? – (Mk.5:21, 25-34)

Jesus was in great demand, and a large crowd awaited His arrival. That was why He stayed in the boat on the seashore (Mk.5:21). While dealing with the plight of Jairus, a synagogue official, Jesus – perceiving in Himself that the power had gone forth from Him, turned around in the crowd and said – ‘Who touched Me?’ (Mk.5:30). It seemed an odd question, and the disciples said so, since everyone was pressing in upon Him (Mk.5:31). Nevertheless, Jesus declared that He was aware that power had gone out from Him (c.f. Lk.8:46). Only then did the shy and grateful woman testify that she had been afflicted for twelve long years, and – had endured much at the hands of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was not helped … (Mk.5:24-25). She had heard about Jesus, and believed that if she just touched His gown, she would be healed. When she did, she was instantly healed of her affliction (Mk.5:27-29). In response to Jesus’s question – the woman fearing and trembling, aware of what had happened to her came and fell down before Him and told him the whole truth (Mk.5:33). Jesus encouraged her – Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your affliction (Mk.5:34). This notable miracle had to be made known.

Q.2. Who was Jairus? What did he want from Jesus? What happened during the delay? Why did Jesus take three disciples? Was the girl dead? What were Jesus’ instructions? – (Mk.5:21-24, 35-43)

Poor Jairus. His hopes were raised when Jesus followed him. They then were dashed when his servants told him that his little girl had died. Fortunately, Jesus had overheard the report, and encouraged Jairus not to lose faith (Mk.5:36-37). Soon his faith was rewarded when his little girl was raised to life again. (Mk.5:24). Jairus was a synagogue official who had come to ask Jesus to heal his dying daughter (Mk.5:22-23). A great miracle would soon take place. The journey would have taken much time. We learn that Jesus – allowed no one to accompany Him, except Peter, James, and John (Mk.5:37). They were also the sole witnesses to the transfiguration of Jesus and were his chosen companions in Gethsemane (Mk.9:2 c.f. Mk.14:33). They were the prominent apostles in the establishment of the church. By the time Jesus arrived at the house of Jairus, the mourning was well under way. Christ’s claim that the dead girl was asleep was greeted with scorn, since everyone knew she had died (Mk.5:38-40 c.f. Jn.11:11-14). Taking only the parents and the three disciples, Jesus took the child’s hand, and spoke with authority – ‘Little girl, I say to you, get up!’ (Mk.5:41). The girl did as Jesus said and was raised to life. He then asked the parents to give their daughter something to eat (Mk.5:43). The crowd were amazed. Jesus ordered the people to refrain from spreading news of the miracle. He did not want His mission to be circumvented by sensation.