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Mark 11:20-33

Q.1. Why had the fig tree withered? How did Christ apply His action to faith and prayer? Where does forgiveness come in? – (Mk.11:20-26)

The obvious reason why the fig tree had died from the roots up was because Jesus had cursed it (c.f. Mk.11:14). Only Matthew and Mark recorded the incident (c.f. Mt.21:18-22; Mk.11:12-14, 20-25). There seems to be a good case for seeing the incident as a parable symbolizing Israel. It seemed to have been so out of character for Jesus to act this way, that the disciples took note of it and remarked – Rabbi, look, the fig tree which You cursed has withered (Mk.11:19-20). The teaching that followed is indisputably the message that Jesus wished to convey by the cursing of the fig tree. It was a lesson in faith, as He urged them to – Have faith in God (Mk.11:22) Having confidence in God changes everything. He then challenged them – 23 Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted to him. 24 Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you (Mk.11:23-24). Jesus was speaking figuratively in order to teach His followers that they could accomplish what is humanly impossible with infinite ease, through faith in Him (c.f. Jn.14:12-14; 16:23-26). However, we must apply all that Jesus taught about prayer. Here He drew attention to one of our greatest inhibiters to answered prayer – our unwillingness to resolve conflicts – Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions Mk.11:25-26).

Q.2. Why did the religious leaders question Jesus? How did Jesus answer them? Why did the leaders not answer Jesus? – (Mk.11:27-33)

The Chief Priests, Scribes, and elders were outraged by the cleansing of the Temple by Jesus and asked – By what authority are You doing these things, or who gave You this authority to do these things? (Mk.11:28 c.f. Mk.11:15-18 & 27). Jesus told them that He would answer them if they answered a question about John’s baptism – Was the baptism of John from heaven, or from men? Answer Me (Mk.11:30). They reasoned among themselves – “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ He will say, ‘Then why did you not believe him?’ 32 But shall we say, ‘From men’?”—they were afraid of the people, for everyone considered John to have been a real prophet (Mk.11:31-32). They were trapped and told Jesus that they did not know – Jesus said to them, “Nor will I tell you by what authority I do these things” (Mk.11:33). We cannot outsmart God.

Posted in Bible Books, Gospels, Day 1, BRP Plus, Mark, Year 2, New Testament, Chapter 11, Week 39