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Mark 9:33-50

Q .1. Why were the disciples of Jesus embarrassed to tell Him about their discussion? How did Jesus respond to the twelve? How did He drive home the truth? – (Mk.9:33-37)

Jesus had observed the tension between His disciples and asked what they had been discussing. They kept silent because they had argued -with one another which of them was the greatest (Mk.9:34). Jesus knew what is was, so He sat down with the twelve, telling them – If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all (Mk.9:35). Jesus reversed all the cherished views of greatness owned by the world. To drive home the message, He set a child in their midst. He took the boy in His arms and said – Whoever receives one child like this in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me does not receive Me, but Him who sent Me (Mk.9:37). Unlike the way children were regarded throughout history, children were very precious to Jesus, and felt comfortable with Him.

Q.2. What issue did John raise with Jesus? How did Jesus answer him? Who are ‘these little ones who believe’? How will God deal with those who cause stumbling? – (Mk.9:38-42)

Jesus had nicknamed James and John … Boanerges – i.e. Sons of Thunder! John reported that the disciples had tried to put a stop to the ministry of others who were not part of their group. John probably thought Jesus would commend them. However, Jesus corrected their negative attitude towards others who were ministering in His name, adding –Do not hinder him, for there is no one who will perform a miracle in My name and be able soon afterward to speak evil of Me. For he who is not against us is for us (Mk.9:39-40). Jesus suggested that the followers of Christ may receive support from unexpected sources, and that these supporters will be rewarded (Mk.9:41). As in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus expressed His concern for defenceless and impressionable children (Mk.9:42 c.f. Mt.18:1-6). Despite all children being born with Adam’s sin nature, Jesus described them as – these little ones who believe (Mk.9:42 c.f. Mt.18:6; Rom.5:12). He was scathingly critical of those who would cause these little ones to stumble (Mk.9:42 c.f. Mt.18:6-7). Jesus had a key place for children in His ministry.

Q.3. How can ‘your hand or your foot or your eye’ cause you to stumble? What are the consequences of lacking self-control? What did Jesus teach about salt? – (Mk.9:43-50)

Solomon warned his son not to follow the wicked, whose feet run to do evil (c.f. Prov.1:15-16). In this day of technology, it is not hard to understand how many are drawn to do evil with their feet, hands, and eyes. What may come as a surprise, is that Jesus warned that failing to control these influences, can lead a person – into hell, where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched (Mk.9:43-48). In fact, Jesus suggested that it would be better to lose these functions, than to suffer eternal consequences. The cost of lacking self-control is everlasting. Jesus taught that – 49 everyone will be salted with fire. 50 Salt is good; but if the salt loses its saltiness, with what will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves and be at peace with one another (Mk.9:49-50). Before refrigeration, salt was used for savouring and preserving food. When salt is devoid of its flavour, it becomes useless. Jesus advocated that believers should make a difference, yet at the same time, with the aim of promoting peace (c.f. Lk.14:34-35).

Posted in Day 1, Bible Books, Gospels, BRP Plus, Mark, Year 2, New Testament, Chapter 9, Week 34