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Job 10:1-22

Q.1. What made Job’s suffering so bitter? How did God’s seeming disregard of the wicked affect him? What did he yearn for from God? – (Job 10:1-7)

Job felt the full force of God’s condemnation, and rejection of his prayers. What made it worse, was the realization that his treatment was more severe than that of those who schemed against others and God. Job longed for God to vindicate his belief that his actions had not brought these calamities upon him.

Q.2. How did Job view God’s purpose for making him? How did his extreme sufferings impact his feelings toward God? – (Job 10:8-17)

Job acknowledged that God had made him for His purpose. He questioned why God would crush the one whom He had fashioned and sustained throughout his life. God’s reason for afflicting him was concealed in His heart (Job 10:8-13). Job considered that God had sustained His anger against a righteous man. He concluded – `You renew Your witnesses against me and increase Your anger toward me; Hardship after hardship is with me (Job 10:17). His inability to find a reason for his suffering led him to conclude that God’s dealings were harsh and unfair.

Q.3. What made Job question the days of his birth? How depressed and dark was Job’s mood on account of his trials?   – (Job 10:18-22)

With no clarity to the cause of his pain, Job questioned why he had even seen the light of day. He sought for a reprieve, or even a short pause in his suffering. His thoughts about the future left him in darkness and despair – a land of utter gloom as darkness itself, of deep shadow without order, and which shines as the darkness.” (Job 10:22). He was desperate for some sympathy and consolation.

Posted in Old Testament, Bible Books, Job, Day 2, BRP Plus, Poetry, Year 5, Chapter 10, Week 21