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John 3:22-36

Q.1. How did John respond to the news that Jesus was baptizing increasing numbers of disciples? What is the lesson for us? – (Jn.3:22-30)

John the Baptizer had been pointing his own disciples to Christ, so many were becoming Jesus’ disciples, and following Him (Jn.1:35-37). However, John had a clear view of his commission from God. He knew it was his task to be a forerunner who pointed people to the Christ (Jn.3:28). It speaks glowingly of John, that he could accept his shrinking ministry, and respond – He must increase, but I must decrease (Jn.3:30). We must never forget Whom it is Who calls us and is the source of our success in ministry.

Q.2. Why was a Jewish man quizzing the disciples of John about purification? How did John understand his baptizing, and that of Jesus? – (Jn.3:25-34)

Ritual purification was a feature of Judaism. However, the traditional interpretation of the day was condemned by Jesus (c.f. Mk.7:1-8). John’s baptism by immersion in the Jordan was considered by some Jews to be extreme.  John had been called by God to baptize in water. Here John stated that Jesus – is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit (Jn.1:31 c.f. 1:33). John understood that – He who comes from heaven is above all … For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God: for He gives the Spirit without measure (Jn.3:31 & 34). The key point John made, was that though Jesus was baptizing in water, His real uniqueness was His authority to bestow the indwelling Holy Spirit (Jn.7:37-39; 14:17).

Q.3. Why was it essential for God’s Son to come from Heaven? What is at stake? – (Jn.3:31-36)

The Gospel writers all agree that our plight is fearfully hopeless – he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God (Jn.3:18). Here John added – he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him (Jn.3:36). All people are lost and cut off from the eternal God by their sin. The death of Christ was not some optional extra. Our lostness made the coming of God’s Son from heaven crucial. Eternal life is utterly unattainable without our Saviour.

Posted in Day 1, Bible Books, Gospels, BRP Plus, New Testament, Chapter 3, John, Year 4, Week 18