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Matthew 2:19-23

Q.1. When did the angel of the Lord appear to Joseph once more? How did he speak to him? What did he tell Joseph? – (Mt.2:19-20)

Joseph had been pre-warned about King Herod’s murderous intent to kill Jesus, then – 19 when Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, and said, 20 “Get up, take the Child and His mother, and go into the land of Israel; for those who sought the Child’s life are dead.” (Mt.2:19-20). On both occasions it was recorded that an angel had appeared in a dream (Mt.2:13 & 19). Like all of us, Joseph would have had numerous dreams, but these were unmistakably from God. Joseph instantly obeyed the heavenly vision (Mt.2:14 & 21). The angel directed him to return to Israel but allowed Joseph and Mary to use their collective wisdom to decide on the town.  Though Joseph was only the adoptive father of Jesus, God recognised his delegated authority over his family.

Q.2. What stopped Joseph from returning to Judea? How was his concern confirmed? What was Nazareth’s reputation? What does this reveal about God’s Son? – (Mt.2:21-23 c.f. Jn.1:46)

They learned upon their return to the land of Israel, that Herod’s son, Archelaus was ruling in his father’s place. History tells us he was like his father. Joseph and Mary did not feel safe about taking Jesus to Judea. God confirmed the reason for their fears and directed the family to the district of Galilee (Mt.2:21-22). They settled in the insignificant town of Nazareth, so Jesus was known as a Nazarene (Jn.18:5 & 7). The reference to His being a Nazarene is obscure. It could also be indicating that Jesus was dedicated to the Lord, being holy to the Lord all the days of His life, like a Nazarite (Num.6:2 & 8). When the apostle Philip found Nathanael and told him that Jesus came from Nazareth, Nathanael responded – Can anything good come from Nazareth? (Jn.1:45-46).  When God sent His Son into the world, He was born into a poor family, laid in a food trough in an animal barn, and then lived in an obscure village of Galilee. It was humility, rather than grandeur that identified the Son of Man (Phil.2:5-8).

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