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Leviticus 2:1-16

Q.1. What made up a grain offering? Why was it given to God? How was it offered and how much? To whom did the rest belong? – (Lev.2:1-10)

The grain offering of fine flour was mixed with oil and frankincense – an offering by fire of a soothing aroma to the Lord (Lev.2:2 & 9 c.f. Lev.2:1). It was a voluntary bloodless offering which expressed gratitude to God (Lev.2:1). The grain could be offered as fine flour mixed with oil, or as unleavened fine flour cakes, mixed with oil and baked in an oven (Lev.2:1-2, 4-8). A portion was offered to God on the altar. However, the grain offering was shared with the priest and his family – the remainder of the grain offering belongs to Aaron and his sons … (Lev.2:3 & 10). This was a blessing to both God, and His servants, the priests.

Q.2. Could anything be added to grain offerings? What was done with the first fruits of the harvest? How important was salt? – (Lev.2:11-16)

It was forbidden to add either leaven or honey to a grain offering. The grain offering of first fruits was to be presented to God, but not as an offering on the altar (Lev.2:12). It was brought to the priest who waved it symbolically as an offering to the Lord (Lev.23:10-11). The one bringing the offering was to declare that he was honouring the God Who had redeemed them out of slavery from Egypt and had brought them to the Promised Land (Deut.26:1-11). This tenth of the increase was given to the Levites, foreigners, orphans, and widows (Deut.26:12-15). Furthermore, grain offerings – shall be seasoned with salt, so that the salt of the covenant of your God shall not be lacking from your grain offering; with all your offerings you shall offer salt (Lev.2:13 c.f. Ezk.47:11). Grain offerings of early ripened heads of grain had oil and incense added (Lev.2:14-16 c.f. Rev.8:3-4). They were offered seven weeks before the Harvest Thanksgiving at Pentecost (Lev.23:15-16). God was given the first portion, as an expression of Israel’s faith that He would provide a harvest.

Posted in Old Testament, Law, Bible Books, Year 2, Day 2, Chapter 2, BRP Plus, Leviticus, Week 49