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Numbers 16:23-50

Q.1. How was the authority of Moses over Israel confirmed? – (Num.16:23-33)

God could have simply destroyed the opposition. However, He wanted Israel to recognize the authority He had extended to His servant, Moses. Moses warned the people to move away from the camp of Korah, Dathan and Abiram as commanded by God (Num.16:20-24). He declared that if they survived till old age, the Lord had not sent him. He actually predicted – But if the Lord brings about an entirely new thing and the ground opens its mouth and swallows them up with all that is theirs, and they descend alive into Sheol, then you will understand that these men have spurned the Lord (Num.16:30). Everything that belonged to the rebels – family and goods perished in the sinkhole (Num.16:31-33).

Q.2. What happened to those who had acted as priests? How was Israel reminded about the primacy of the Aaronic priesthood over laymen? – (Num.16:34-40)

There had been two hundred and fifty leaders who were not only men of renown, but likely were chosen Levites [The Lord said – for they are holy – Num.16:37] that stood with the rebel leaders – Fire also came forth from the Lord and consumed the two hundred and fifty men who were offering the incense (Num.16:35). The Lord instructed Eleazar – As for the censers of these men who have sinned at the cost of their lives, let them be made into hammered sheets for a plating of the altar, since they did present them before the Lord and they are holy; and they shall be for a sign to the sons of Israel (Num.16:38). This was a permanent – reminder to the sons of Israel that no layman who is not of the descendants of Aaron should come near to burn incense before the Lord; so that he will not become like Korah and his company–just as the Lord had spoken to him through Moses (Num.16:40).

Q.3. How did God deal with Israel’s bitterness against Moses and Aaron? How did Moses and Aaron respond to God’s wrath against their opponents? – (Num.16:41-50)

Soon the congregation accused Moses of causing the death of the Lord’s people (Num.16:41) and causing God’s glory cloud to descend to consume the rebels. We see the calibre of Moses as he acted to make atonement for the people – Moses said to Aaron, “Take your censer and put in it fire from the altar, and lay incense on it; then bring it quickly to the congregation and make atonement for them, for wrath has gone forth from the Lord, the plague has begun!” (Num.16:46). This was not before fourteen thousand, seven hundred more Israelites fell dead in the wilderness (Num.16:49-50). God hates dissension.

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, Law, BRP Plus, Week 2, Day 2, Numbers, Year 4, Chapter 16